Are You A Victim of Fraud or a Hoax?

If you have become a victim of fraud or a hoax, there are steps you can take to protect yourself from further harm.

If you have become a victim of fraud or a hoax, it can be a harrowing and overwhelming experience that can leave you feeling violated and helpless. However, it is important to know that there are steps you can take to regain control of the situation and protect yourself from further harm. 

First, it is important to remain calm and understand that this is not your fault. Fraudsters and hoaxers are skilled at manipulating their victims and using fear tactics to get what they want. Remember that you are not alone, and some individuals and organizations can help you through this difficult time.

A good friend of mine who is a very smart business owner was a victim of a hoax – it can happen to anyone. 

Here is a list of common frauds and hoaxes.

Steps To Take If You are a Victim of Fraud

Here are some important steps to take if you find yourself in this situation:

Stay Calm

First, it is important to try and stay calm. It’s understandable to feel upset and frustrated, but panicking will not help your situation.

Contact Your Bank

Immediately contact your bank or financial institution to inform them of the fraud. They will be able to freeze your accounts and investigate the matter.

Change Your Passwords

Ensure that you change any passwords or personal identification numbers (PINs) related to the affected accounts. This will help minimize the damage the fraudsters can inflict.

Report the Fraud

Contact law enforcement authorities and report the fraud. This allows them to investigate and prevent further scams by the same perpetrators.

Check Your Credit Report

Ensure that you check your credit report and alert credit agencies of the fraud. This helps prevent future acts of fraud that may affect your credit score.

If you think you have been a victim of identity theft, here is a Free Check For Identity Theft

Educate Yourself

Take the time to educate yourself on the various types of frauds and scams that are prevalent in today’s society. Knowing what to look out for can help prevent future incidents.


If you are a victim of fraud or a hoax, it is important to take immediate action to protect yourself and seek support from others. Remember that you are not alone, and some individuals and organizations can assist you. Take a deep breath, stay calm, and know that there is a way forward.

Contact me at (517) 708-2222 or email me at 

Building your foundation.  Building your confidence.